The Battle Cats Knowledge Base

What is The Battle Cats Gamatoto Expedition?

The Gamatoto Expedition is an expansion to the game “The Battle Cats”. The Gamatoto Expedition allows players to obtain valuable in-game rewards such as experience points, cat food, and cats’ eyes. The areas located in the Gamatoto Expedition are Mellow Fields, Shaolin Kingdom, Dusty Desert, and Facility 999. Other areas include Caracara Marsh, Tomb of Gold, Eagle Fields, Traitor’s Trench, Mount Parabola, Pacific Waves, and Kotatsu Tundra. Read on to understand more about the rewards you can acquire in each area. Download and play The Battle Cats today!


Gamatoto Expedition Areas

Mellow Fields: Unlocked by clearing Shiga prefecture or Greece. Speed up boosts are dropped.


Shaolin Kingdom: Players can unlock Shaolin Kingdom after completing Gamatoto level three. Cat CPU and Speed Up boosts are dropped.


Dusty Desert: Complete level six of the expedition and unlock the Dusty Desert. Receive Cat CPU and obtain Rich Cat and Sniper the Cat after clearing this area.


Facility 999: Unlocked by obtaining user rank six hundred and passing level ten. Speed Up boosts and Cat Jobs are dropped. You can also obtain Sniper the Cat after completing this area.


Caracara Marsh: Unlock Caracara Marsh after obtaining user rank nine hundred and passing level fourteen; Speed Up, Rich Cat and Treasure Radar are dropped.


Tomb of Gold: Unlock the Tomb of Gold area after obtaining user rank one thousand six hundred and passing level nineteen. Complete this area and receive the EX Catseye.


Eagle Fields: Unlock this area after completing Gamatoto level twenty-four. You will receive the Rare Catseye as a reward upon completion of this area.


Traitor’s Trench: Unlocked by passing level thirty. Get Super Rare Catseye upon completion.


Mount Parabola:  Unlock Mount Parabola by passing level thirty-six. In addition, you will obtain Uber Rare Catseye after clearing this area.


Pacific Waves: Unlock Pacific Waves by passing Gamatoto level forty-three. Receive EX Catseye and Rare Catseye upon completion.


Kotatsu Tundra: Unlock this area by passing level fifty. Obtain Super Rare Catseye and Uber Rare Catseye after you have cleared this area. This is also the last area to conquer in this expedition.



There are also four helpers with different ranks that you can activate when playing the Gamatoto Expedition. The helpers are namely Intern, Lackey, Underling, and Assistant. These helpers increase the chance of picking up an item. Get extra rewards by watching the in-game advertisements. Players can wear any costume in the expedition but it does not affect the outcome of the game.


Try out Gamatoto Expedition today! Download the Battle Cats now and collect all the cats in the game!