This part is an introduction to what is a postMessage, basic exploitation, detection and mitigation. My post showed interaction from parent to child and back to the parent, but didn't detail passing messages from a child to a …, Using JavaScript and window.postMessage(), // In production, DO NOT use '*', use toe target domain, // Allow window to listen for a postMessage, The link handles the back redirection. For example, the page can communicate with an IFrame via postMessage and send events to each others’ windows.

A modern, simplified version of the accepted answer (which drops legacy ie8 support in favor of terseness): This is a React version based on Avindra Goolcharan's answer: Where allowedUrl is the URL loaded within the iframe and handleMessage is a redux-connected function (or other form of state management) letting the rest of the app know about the received message.

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Pausing the videos is 6 lines of code. Event Listener call back function not called, Javascript assign a class that doesn't exist to a variable, send message from iframe to a parent document, Invoking JavaScript code in an iframe from the parent page, How to align checkboxes and their labels consistently cross-browsers.

Embed snippet Prefer iframe? This attribute is read-only, but its properties can be manipulated like the global Window object..

Concatenations of powers and their squares.

It can also be a new browser window opened by The receiverWindow is a reference to the receiver window to which messages will be sent.

iframe.contentDocument to get the document inside the